Augmented reality

Augmented reality module overview

ViSP has an augmented reality module based on Ogre3D engine or Coin third-party libraries. settings

Coupled with ViSP tracking algorithms, with ViSP you can produce AR applications.

The source code documentation shows which are the corresponding classes part of augmented reality module.

The following videos give an overview of this capability.

 A cannon is positionned on the castle by augmented reality. Here the pose of the castle is obtained using ViSP markerless model-based tracking.  Board game with 4 holes introduced by augmented reality. The pose of the Bruegel painting is computed thanks to ViSP template tracking.
Thanks to the tracking of 4 blobs the pose of the target is computed and used to introduce a robot by augmented reality. This other example show how ViSP template tracker could be used to estimate the pose of a card in order to introduce a Pokemon in augmented reality.


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