
ViSP contributors

ViSP initial authors are Eric Marchand, Fabien Spindler and François Chaumette.

Fabien Spindler is now the main developer and manager of the project.

ViSP was optimized and extended by the contribution of the other people that are or were members of the ViSP team.

Alexander Oliva Gatien Gaumerais Olivier Kermorgant
Alexandre Krupa Giovanni Claudio Olivier Roussel
Amaury Dame Guillaume Fortier Pierre Chatelain
Andrea Cherubini Ha Thuc Long Pierre Perraud
Andrew Comport Jason Chevrie Pierre-Marie Kerzerho
Anthony Remazeilles Jean Laneurit Rafik Mebarki
Anthony Saunier Joudy Nader Rahaf Rahal
Antonio Marino Julien Dufour Riccardo Spica
Aurélien Yol Manikandan Bakthavatchalam Romain Lagneau
Benoît Heintz Marc Pouliquen Romain Tallonneau
Bertrand Delabarre Marwan Osman Romeo Tatsambon Fomena
Bruno Renier Mathieu Simon Ronald Ensing
Céline Teulière Melaine Gautier Samuel Felton
Christian Clauss Muriel Pressigout Souriya Trinh
Christophe Collewet Nicolas Cazy Thi Thanh Hai Tran
Claire Dune Nicolas Mansard Vincent Drevelle
Ezio Malis Nicolo Pedemonte Wenfeng Cai
Filip Novotny Noel Meriaux Yash Kapoor
Florent Lamiraux Noura Neji Yasutomo Shirahama
Franco Fusco Odile Bourquardez Yuriy Baranov
François Chapeau Oleksandr Borysov

We would like to thanks also following people for their contributions:

  • Olivier Kermorgant for his data logger library that allows to save among others ViSP containers (vpPoseVector, vpColVector) as YAML files that could be plot offline. This contribution is available from
  • Thomas Moulard for his contribution during his PhD at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France, in providing visp_tracker, a package that allows to use ViSP moving edge tracker in ROS framework and for his help to introduce ViSP as a Debian package and Ubuntu package;
  • Lucas Lopes Lemos and Guillaume Laurent from FEMTO-ST, AS2M departement, Besançon, France for their contribution to the CMU 1394 Digital Camera SDK wrapper;
  • Tom Larkworthy from Ocean Systems Lab, Heriot-Watt University for his post on Edinburgh Hacklab concerning Optical Localization for Robot Arms: Initial Experiments, a use case example with ViSP;
  • Pierre Rouanet who packaged ViSP 2.10.0 for OSX with homebrew and for the development of PyViSP, a Python binding for some ViSP capabilities. This contribution is available from;
  • Thibaud Hulain that did the packaging for ArchLinux;
  • Olivier Sallou that is now our Debian sponsor who help us to bring the releases in Debian;
  • and many others for suggestions, patches and bug reports.

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