
Coin 3rd party

Coin 3D is a library used for creating 3D graphics applications. Coin 3D is portable over a wide range of platforms: any UNIX / Linux / *BSD platform, all Microsoft Windows operating systems, and Mac OS X. It implements the SGI open Inventor API. Coin 3D is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2 license. Coin 3D is one of the optional 3rd parties supported by ViSP augmented reality module and by mbt module.

Coin 3D comes with libraries for interfacing Coin with the native Microsoft Windows GUI, Trolltech’s QT, Xt/Motif on X Windows, and the native Mac OS X GUI.

Coin, SoQT, SoWin and SoXt can be downloaded from http://www.coin3d.org/lib/.

In ViSP, Coin 3D brings the following capabilities:

  • model-based tracker supports VRML CAD model as input. If you are only interested in this feature, you don’t need to install SoQT, SoWin or SoXt libraries.
  • simulation or augmented reality capabilities (see vpSimulator and vpAR classes). To this end you need to install either SoQT, SoWin or SoXt library that can be downloaded from http://www.coin3d.org/lib/.

You should first install Coin and than for augmented reality capabilities depending on your system SoWin, or SoQt or SoXt.

Remark when using Coin, SoQt, Qt suite: To use SoQt, Qt is required. Qt is usually already installed on a Linux machine. If not, it can be retrieved from the trolltech site http://www.trolltech.com/. Depending on the version of Qt you are using, you must pay attention to the version of Coin and SoQT you use. Indeed, if you are using Qt3 it is better to install Coin-2.5 and SoQT-1.4.1. On Fedora, this can be done using su -c “yum install Coin2-devel” and su -c “yum install SoQt-devel”. If you are using Qt4, you must install Coin-2.4.6 or latest version and SoQt-latest (which can be downloaded from http://ftp.coin3d.org/coin/src/snapshots/).

Remark when using Coin, SoXt suite: The last Coin 3D version compatible with SoXt-1.2.2 is Coin-2.5.0. If you want to use Coin-3.0.0 or latest versions you need to install the SoXt latest snapshot (available from http://www.coin3d.org/lib/soxt/svn).

Hereafter we provide installation instructions for the following OS:

 logo-ubuntu-alpha  logo-debian logo-fedora logo-redhat logo-redhat  logo-apple-alpha  logo-win-alpha
Ubuntu Debian Fedora RedHat CentOS OSX Windows

Ubuntu or debian installation

On Debian and Ubuntu 19.04 or more recent versions you may install Coin and SoQt that depends on Qt5 with apt-get:

sudo apt-get install libcoin-dev
sudo apt-get install libsoqt520-dev

On Debian and Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 versions you may install Coin and SoQt that depends on Qt4 with apt-get:

sudo apt-get install libcoin80-dev
sudo apt-get install libsoqt4-dev

On Ubuntu older versions you may install compatible Coin and if needed SoQt, Qt4 libraries with:

sudo apt-get install libcoin60-dev
sudo apt-get install libsoqt4-dev

Fedora, RedHat or CentOS installation

On Fedora, RedHat or CentOS you may install Coin and if needed SoQt, Qt4 libraries with yum:

su -c "yum install Coin2-devel"
su -c "yum install SoQt-devel"

Mac OSX installation

On OSX you may install the Coin package with homebrew:

brew install coin

Windows installation

Under Microsoft Windows platforms, one of the Coin suite (Coin, SoQt, Qt or Coin, SoWin) need to be installed from the source code. If SoWin or SoQt is installed then the environment variable called COINDIR pointing to the installation’s folder should be placed. CMake should detect Coin 3D. If not, you have to set the COINDIR variable in the Windows Control Panel.

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