
ViSP manuals

Hereafter you will find a set of manual we have written in the past. Since today all the documentation and tutorials are generated with Doxygen, they are no longer updated, but can still be useful.

  1. Getting started for Unix platforms
    This tutorial explains how to build ViSP from sources and how to start your own application using ViSP under Unix platform including Linux, OSX, Ubuntu and Debian. It focus also on optional third party libraries that can be used in ViSP. Last update February 18th, 2014.
  2. Getting started for Windows
    This tutorial explains how to build ViSP from sources and how to start your own application using ViSP under Windows. It focus also on optional third party libraries that can be used in ViSP. Last update February 18th, 2014.
  3. ViSP tracking methods overview (slides)
    This presentation gives an overview of the dot trackers, KLT point trackers, moving edges trackers and 3D model-based tracker available in ViSP. Last update October 12th, 2010.
  4. ViSP wireframe simulator
    This tutorial explains how to use the wireframe simulator. Last update September 1st, 2010.
  5. Augmented reality using vpAROgre class
    This tutorial shows how to use ViSP to write an augmented reality application that uses Ogre 3D rendering engine. Last update September 1st, 2011.
  6. Image manipulation and processing
    This document focus on ViSP image manipulation and tracking in image sequences. It describes also networking tools available to transmit images or any other data over the network. Last update September 28th, 2012.
  7. Computer vision algorithms
    This document focus on computer vision algorithms implemented in ViSP. Camera calibration, pose estimation using linear, non linear and Ransac approaches and 3D model-based tracker are described. Last update July 12th, 2012.
  8. Geometric transformations and objects
    This document focus on geometric transformations (3D and vision related transformations) and objects (point, straight line, cylinder, circle, sphere, image moments) that are implemented in ViSP. Last update January 30th, 2012.
  9. Building a visual servoing task
    This document describes 2D and 3D visual features and the way they can be used to build a visual servo. Last update October 27th, 2011.

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